Relon Malawi


These incredible organizations are making a real difference in the lives of refugees, but they often struggle to get the recognition and support they deserve. That’s why we’re committed to showcasing their remarkable achievements and connecting them with donors who can provide the resources they need to keep changing lives.

Join and work with us.

Join us in this important

Join us in this important cause by learning more about the refugee-led organizations we support. Together, we can ensure these vital organizations continue to thrive and make a lasting impact on the communities they serve. Let’s make a difference, one voice at a time.

Work as a volunteer

Relon-Malawi is proudly to inform you that working with us is in various way.  We encourage those willing to apply . As you are willing to volunteer yourself and join your hands with Relon-Malawi, easily apply for it as the organization provide such a chance. 


The Organization is amazed to welcome all applications for a sponsorship to the organization. It has services which can smoothy be accomplished with your sponsorship. For those interested in applying for sponsorship, apply here.      

Willing to help

Relon-Malawi is humbly able to receive all those willing to donate to the organization. The donation from all the sides will raise the desire and mission of the organization to be accomplished accordingly. for those willing to donate can donate here. 

Get In Touch

Relom-Malawi organization is ready to get in touch with you. To contact us call and send an email or a text on the contacts below;

+265 98 3453 234 2

L02 Lilambwe mosquee street, PoBOX 102

+265 98 3432 123