Relon Malawi

our work

Given the immense challenges faced by refugees, it is crucial that we empower and support refugee-led organizations that intimately understand the unique needs and experiences of displaced communities. By prioritizing the following areas, we can ensure that our efforts are truly impactful and sustainable

We amplify voices of RLOs

Refugee-led organizations are the true heroes in the fight for refugee rights and empowerment. At Relon Malawi, we are dedicated to amplifying their powerful voices and showcasing their remarkable achievements.

Through our unwavering efforts, we strive to ensure that these organizations receive the recognition and continued support they deserve from donors. By exhibiting their impactful work, we aim to inspire more funding and resources to strengthen refugee communities worldwide.

refugee led organization network in Malawi conference at manac in dowa
Refugee-led Organization Network in Malawi conférence manac dowa
refugee led organization network in Malawi team members
Refugee-led Organization Network in Malawi conference in linde hotel mponela

Providing capacity strengthening to RLOs

As a leading organization committed to empowering our beneficiaries, we recognize the critical importance of capacity building. Our approach to capacity strengthening for RLOs (Refugee led Organizations) is designed to equip them with the necessary resources, knowledge, and skills to effectively manage their operations and achieve sustainable growth.

At the heart of our capacity building efforts is a deep understanding that empowering RLOs is the key to driving lasting change in rural communities. By investing in their capabilities, we are not only supporting their immediate needs but also positioning them for long-term success.

Providing resources in form of subgrants and grants to RLOs

At Relon-Malawi, we believe that resources should be provided directly to the parties that need them the most – the Refugee-Led Organizations (RLOs). These organizations have a deep understanding of the unique challenges and needs faced by refugee communities, and are best equipped to deliver vital aid and support.

To achieve this, we offer subgrants and grants to RLOs, giving them the power to drive positive change in the communities they serve. By allowing them to allocate resources in the most impactful way, we ensure that the funds are used to address the specific issues and priorities identified by the refugee populations.

refugee led organization network in Malawi-training-to-Manac-scaled
refugee led organization network in Malawi conference in mponela