Relon Malawi

Providing resources in
the form of subgrants and grants

refugee led organization network in Malawi-training-to-Manac-scaled

Providing resources in form of subgrants and grants to RLOs

At Relon-Malawi, we believe that resources should be provided directly to the parties that need them the most – the Refugee-Led Organizations (RLOs). These organizations have a deep understanding of the unique challenges and needs faced by refugee communities, and are best equipped to deliver vital aid and support.

To achieve this, we offer subgrants and grants to RLOs, giving them the power to drive positive change in the communities they serve. By allowing them to allocate resources in the most impactful way, we ensure that the funds are used to address the specific issues and priorities identified by the refugee populations.

This approach not only streamlines the distribution of aid, but also fosters a sense of self-reliance and ownership within the refugee communities. RLOs are able to tailor their programs and initiatives to the specific needs of their constituents, leading to more sustainable and long-lasting solutions.

By channeling resources directly to RLOs, we are able to reduce bureaucratic overhead and maximize the impact of each investment. This ensures that the funds reach the intended beneficiaries with minimal leakage or administrative barriers.

At Relon-Malawi, we remain committed to empowering Refugee-Led Organizations and providing them with the resources they need to make a real difference in the lives of refugees. We invite you to join us in this mission and help us build a more equitable and inclusive future for all.