Relon Malawi

Relon Meeting at manac

Given the immense challenges faced by refugees, it is crucial that we empower and support refugee-led organizations that intimately understand the unique needs and experiences of displaced communities. By prioritizing the following areas, we can ensure that our efforts are truly impactful and sustainable:

  • Capacity building: Investing in the development of leadership, management, and operational skills within refugee-led organizations is paramount. This includes providing training, mentorship, and access to resources that enable them to effectively manage programs, secure funding, and advocate for their communities.
  • Funding and resource allocation: Ensuring that refugee-led organizations have access to adequate and flexible funding is essential for their long-term sustainability. By directing financial resources and in-kind support directly to these organizations, we can amplify their voices and enable them to implement solutions tailored to their communities.
  • Networking and collaboration: Facilitating connections and partnerships between refugee-led organizations, international NGOs, and other stakeholders can foster knowledge sharing, joint advocacy efforts, and collective impact. By creating a supportive ecosystem, we can leverage the strengths and expertise of diverse actors to address the multifaceted challenges faced by refugees.

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