Relon Malawi


From 22 to 24 July, Relon Malawi organized a 3-day training targeting 30 Refugee Led-organizations RLOs and the training covered 3 areas. The covered topics related to organizational proposal writing, monitoring and evaluation, and management, budgeting and logistics. The purpose of the training was to boast capacity of the participants so that they can manage […]

Teacher’s training

Refugee Led-Organization Network of Malawi RELON-MALAWI has today witnessed the launch of DEWEY COMMUNITY CENTER DCC and the kick-off of teacher training.
Thank you goes to UNHCR’s Refugee Led innovation funds for enabling the implementation of this project # ‘’Learning through play’’.


Refugee Led-organizations Network of Malawi RELON-Malawi organizes every year a Networking event, this year, the activity was conducted on 25th April, 2024 at Manac conference facility. A networking event is an opportunity for refugee Led-organization RLOs to connect and share their working experience and expose challenges they face in their daily routine. The event aims […]


During the event, Refugee Led-Organization RLOs were given a topic relating to the event’s theme and were grouped in order to discuss together and come up with tangible solutions on issues affecting them. Topics given by Relon-Malawi deputy director Cecile Pango were:  For the first group ‘’ Why should we encourage organizations founded by refugees […]


Refugee Led-organizations Network of Malawi RELON-Malawi organizes every year a Networking event, this year, the activity was conducted on 25th April, 2024 at Manac conference facility.

Relon Meeting

Refugee-led Organization Network in Malawi conference in linde hotel mponela

Given the immense challenges faced by refugees, it is crucial that we empower and support refugee-led organizations that intimately understand the unique needs and experiences of displaced communities.

Relon Malawi in action

Refugee-led Organization Network in Malawi conference in linde hotel mponela

Given the immense challenges faced by refugees, it is crucial that we empower and support refugee-led organizations that intimately understand the unique needs and experiences of displaced communities.

Capacity building

Refugee-led Organization Network in Malawi conference in linde hotel mponela

Given the immense challenges faced by refugees, it is crucial that we empower and support refugee-led organizations that intimately understand the unique needs and experiences of displaced communities.